Code of Conduct


This Code of Conduct aims to guide the actions of our employees and formalizes the ethical posture of TNAX Synthetic ropes, or simply TNAX, in the relationship with its public, whether internal or external.


This Code of Conduct is a set of internal rules and standards of conduct that define the ethical principles that guide the conduct of TNAX's business and is an integral part of the Integrity Program.

Honesty, integrity, loyalty, respect, dignity, transparency and justice are the principles that underlie our decisions.


This Code of Conduct applies to all people involved in the TNAX business chain: managers and employees, regardless of the position or function they occupy.


4.1 - All persons involved in our business, at all hierarchical levels, have an obligation to know and practice the provisions of this Code of Conduct.

4.2 - It is up to managers to disclose to their subordinates the content of this Code of Conduct, making them aware of the need to follow its rules and mainly by example, create a favorable environment, where everyone can fully comply with this Code.

4.3 - It is up to the managers, collaborators and people who represent the company, to disseminate this Code to TNAX's public: customers, suppliers and the community.


5.1 - In the relationship with the various public, be it public or private, TNAX employees guide their conduct based on integrity, loyalty, honesty and transparency;

5.2 - TNAX employees ensure an organized, hygienic and clean work environment, where safety, occupational health and environmental preservation aspects are priorities;

5.3 - They perform their duties with dedication and enthusiasm, always looking for the best result in each project, allowing the return on the invested capital and the continuous growth of the organization;

5.4 - Ensure the confidentiality and non-disclosure of unauthorized information, of the company, its customers or suppliers, except when approved at a higher level or required by inspection organs, regulatory and legal bodies;

5.5 - Recognize that all information related to the company's business is the property of TNAX and only TNAX has the right to use and disclose it;

5.6 - Use computer resources and electronic mail for preferentially professional use. The use of these resources to send messages or access information of a discriminatory or illegal nature is prohibited;

5.7 - They do not use family or friendship relationships to make decisions regarding their professional careers or to grant benefits;

5.8 - Do not accept claims, cause or suggest any type of financial aid, bonus payment, prize, commission (except commercial representatives duly defined by contract), donation, gift or personal advantage of any kind to representatives of private companies (such as customers, suppliers and business partners) or representatives of the government, or related persons in exchange for facilities for the exercise of their professional or business activities;

5.9 - They do not take actions that have a fraudulent, coercive or deceptive influence, with the purpose of generating their own benefit or for the company.


6.1 - TNAX seeks to exceed customer expectations, with social responsibility, valuing its employees and prioritizing safety, health and environment issues;

6.2 - TNAX encourages the professional development of its employees and believes in work as the means for them to achieve their goals;

6.3 - All information conveyed must be true and represent the relationship of transparency and trust that TNAX has with its employees and with the public of interest;

6.4 - TNAX's management model provides a work environment favorable to the motivation, satisfaction and commitment of its employees;

6.5 - The interpersonal relationship at work is free from prejudices of sex, race, color, origin, class, age, marital status, political or religious conviction and any other forms of discrimination;

6.6 - TNAX encourages coexistence of respect, dignity and justice, free from threats, violence or intimidation. Abusive, truculent, threatening behavior, rude treatment and any type of moral or sexual harassment are condemned;

6.7 - TNAX considers the freedom and dignity of the human person as fundamental and universal principles of man and seeks to consolidate its ethical conduct based on this recognition;

6.8 - TNAX does not allow the possession of weapons, consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs on the company's premises;

6.9 - TNAX does not allow inappropriate behavior towards the community and the neighborhood, which may affect the company's image.


7.1 - TNAX respects and follows tax, social security, labor and civil legislation unquestionably. The company seeks to be up to date with current legislation in all its aspects and instances.

7.2 - TNAX's financial transactions are registered in a correct and immediate manner, respecting the principles of the legislation;

7.3 - The purchases, contracts, payments and commitments assumed by TNAX, are proven and supported by legal documentation;

7.4 - TNAX does not tolerate and condemns the practice of corruption in all its forms, active or passive and obtaining an undue advantage, always encourages fair competition and does not tolerate administrative improbity;

7.5 - TNAX does not use child labor and strongly condemns this practice;

7.6 - TNAX does not practice any type of forced or compulsory labor under any conditions.


8.1 - At TNAX, the physical integrity of employees and care for the environment are priorities. No emergency, production or economic result can be used as a justification for exposing the employee or the community;

8.2 - TNAX transparently handles all information related to safety, the environment and occupational health.


9.1 - TNAX seeks to maintain a relationship of harmony with the Communities in the places where it develops its activities, respecting people, their traditions, their values and the environment;

9.2 - In fulfilling its economic mission, TNAX contributes to the development of the regions where it operates, valuing the human being and the community. The company develops people, both as professionals and as citizens, thereby exercising its citizenship role.


10.1 - TNAX seeks to maintain a relationship of respect and harmony with union entities, without practicing any type of discrimination against professionals, union members or not.


The Ethical Principles established in this instrument must be practiced by everyone. Violations of the Code of Conduct will be subject to disciplinary action.
TNAX considers as conducts of violation of the Code, subject to disciplinary measures:
• Breach the rules established in this document and fail to comply with the legislation;
• Manipulate information to hide violations of applicable laws, ethics and rules established in this Code of Conduct;
• Using TNAX's communication channels in bad faith, reporting non-existent events with the objective of harming third parties;
• Persecute, retaliate against those who have reported in good faith, behavior that is out of line with the Code of Conduct.
Failure to comply with the Code, falsifying records or any other behavior that represents unethical conduct can lead to disciplinary action, including termination of employment and legal action. The deviation treatments themselves will indicate the actions to be taken. Within the legal limits, the company will keep the identity of the people who present complaints or complaints confidential.


Any and all indications of an act or behavior incompatible with the Code of Conduct, must be reported directly to the company's managers through the available channels. To make a statement, please forward your email to: